Well I've officially finished my first semester of college at the U of U and honestly it was fantastic.
I seriously love college.
And especially the U.
I am so glad I am where I am at in my life
and I am enjoying every minute of it.
So here are my thoughts now that I've finisihed one semester of college.
Really it hasn't been all that bad. The dorms really aren't that noisy. I guess that could be because everyone on my floor is antisocial, but whatever. Also tip - top floor is the best...it may suck when you're moving in...but then you don't have to worry about the people above you making a bunch of noise through the floor. Other problem is the HC food. If you have to have a meal plan with your dorm, than im just warning you now, even if you think it tastes pretty good the first week...you will get sick of it. Also single room is the way to go for sure. It's always nice to know I have my own space to come to when I get home from a long day of classes and work.
Take time to do fun things with your roomies! And if you feel like you don't have time to do fun things with your roomies MAKE TIME. Honestly I'm so busy that sometime I feel like I just don't have time to have fun. But taking time to celebrate holidays or watch movies or eat dinner with your roommates is the only way you will become good friends. And taking time to be a good friend is worth it. Plus these are the things you are gonna remember from college. Also it helps if you have awesome roomies like I do ;)
Getting Involved
Freshman Council was the best decision I've made coming to college. Honestly I love these people. Making a difference on campus, participating and planning fun activities, being a part of student government on campus...these are all good things. But thats not why I love FC so much. It is because of the people. It is just so nice knowing that I have 50 other people at college who are going through the same things as a freshman that I am and that I have friends there to support me. It is so great to know that I am a part of something and I belong somewhere on a big college campus.
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yeah that doesn't only apply to math homwork. but pretty much everyday in college. ESPECIALLY FINALS WEEK. okay so yeah college isn't easy. and yeah i've definitely learned a thing or two that I can work on next semester with my studying habits. But just study hard and do your best, and thats all you can do.
Which School?
THE U OF U. Okay maybe not for everyone...but what I'm getting at is pick the right school for you. And whatever school you pick, have pride in your school. Go to sports events. Participate in activities on campus. Pick a school that is gonna offer the major you want and give you the education you need. The U was the right school for me, and it has been everything I have hoped for.