Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 New Years Resolutions

Welp I didn't do too bad last year with my resolutions so lets see how this year goes.
I might have to make new ones that apply more to my mission for later in July/August or whenever I end up getting my call. But we'll see.

- Do more to keep the sabbath day holy. Refrain from doing homework as much as possible and spend more time writing in my journal, working on family history, going to firesides, and reading conference talks and scriptures.

- Make it to the gym.  Tuesday and Thursday mornings. This should not be hard at all.  Thats only twice a week. If possible make it more often, but I need to be consistent with this.

- Write in my journal more often.  Once a week, on Sunday.  If I keep to not doing homework like in my first resolution listed this should be realistic and I think it could happen.  But yes I've tried this one before and I'm gonna try again.

-  Share the gospel more often.  I'm sure this won't be a hard resolution to keep once I'm on my mission.  But I want to work to have more missionary experiences this semester at college before I leave.

-  Stress less.  I want to work to be less overwhelmed this year.  Organize my time and use it wisely.  Make time for myself to relax, do the things that make me happy, and spend time with the people I love.

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