Friday, October 28, 2011

Awkward loneliness

Tonight I went with my family to the Red Lobster for my birthday dinner as tradition. We invited my grandma and also Colby brought his girlfriend Janelle and Ryan brought his fiancé Courtney. They are both super sweet and they both brought me way cute gifts which I wasn't expecting at all. Dinner was delicious and I had a fun time!

But for most of the evening just picture this...
My dad is sitting at one end of the table with my mom and grandma on both sides of him having their adult conversations.
Next to my mom is Ryan and Courtney and next to my Grandma is Colby and Janelle. Both my brothers with their arms around their girls, having their own little conversations, and just being all cute and all
And then there's me.
Sitting in-between the couples.
Just playing with my fork.
Just awkward loneliness.

I know I'm the youngest and all and I really am glad the girls came!
I just found those moments kind of humorous.

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